Temtum — Ultra lightweight, quantum secure decentralised network.

Andrew chill
4 min readJul 29, 2019


As the title of the article, I would like to introduce to everyone one of the potential potential blockchain technologies in the future.

The temtum network achieves truly decentralised scalability, near instant transaction speeds and unprecedented transaction throughput, using low resources and future-proof cryptographic security.

It can be said that at the present time, there are a lot of technologies for blockchain with very fast processing speed, but with the demand of more and more users interested in blockchain, the processing speed will be a factor. It is very important to determine the success of a project. So it can be said that temtum is showing that they have a vision to be able to meet the needs of users in the future.

The Temporal network, with its unique and stable method for generating randomness, via the open-source NIST Beacon, becomes highly secure and impossible to predict, a world first and most secure solution of any existing currency.

These are comparisons of temtum compared to other blockchain platforms.

Everything is proving that in the future, temtum will be a big competitor compared to cryptocurrency projects.

And to do this, they are building the project with resources that can be said to be very good.


Temporal provides the fundamental elements of our technology and blockchain network.

Their improved network routing, removal of the block size limits, and a system architecture that ensures a single, randomly selected node confirms all transactions for 60 second makes the only limitation to transaction throughput the hardware and bandwidth of network participants.

This is shown by the fact that we have demonstrated simulated transaction throughput speeds of 120,000 transactions per second in a laboratory environment.

Available Products:

Mobile Applications

They’ve developed our temtum wallet into ios and Android applications to allow for seamless use of TEM across all devices. This allows for your TEM to be used from anywhere and isn’t limited to a single device or location like many cryptocurrency wallets.

Keyboard Payments

This unique smartphone keyboard allows the user to access the benefits of the temtum application in a seamless way and can be used from any mobile messaging application, including Facebook, Whatsapp and Telegram, without the need for specialist currencies per application. It means that users can simply click on a custom temtum button and, without opening the temtum app, temtum coins (TEM) can be sent from one account to another.

The keyboard is installed as a customised keyboard service as part of the temtum application. This enables sharing of the core functionality and the stored user credentials using the most secure standards for mobile apps. The user can access the temtum transfer functionality very simply, from any application.

Both these features — the temtum application and the temtum keyboard — use the same temtum API capabilities and apply the same security standards. This design ensures data integrity between transactions either for the temtum mobile application and the temtum keyboard.

Web Wallet

The temtum wallet works in the same way as a bank account in two fundamental ways — it is both a repository for currencies and a mechanism for completing transactions. Each wallet uses temtum technology to make transactions with other wallets on the network. But it is also different to a conventional bank account in other ways, such as:The wallet can be identified with only a username and/or wallet-address.Transaction speed: transactions will be confirmed within 12 seconds instead of waiting for days.Every transaction is confirmed by a decentralized network. Temtum transactions have been tested using the web application, mobile applications, drone, watch, raspberry Pi and even a car. The temtum wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet where users can manage their TEM. We have combined all the necessary elements including security, simplicity, and easy access. The temtum website has full details of all the applications and examples of how to use the features of each application.

SMS Transfers

The SMS system does not require users to download an app, and there are no requirements for accounts or passwords. If the user has a device that can send an SMS text message, then they are able to use temtum. Similarly, the recipient needs neither an app nor a wallet to receive funds. This makes it suitable for non-smartphones and is targeted at countries with a high penetration rate of such devices, the use of which is driven by unpredictable electrical power and intermittent, or less widely available, high speed internet.

The SMS system allows for instant transfers. Transactions are immediately settled directly on the Temporal Blockchain and funds are never held by a third party.

And with the experienced team in the field of blockchain will also be a factor to help temtum succeed.

This is also the reason that I believe the project will be successful because with this team everything can be done. And now you can also buy temtum on Coinall.

In addition, you can find out more information about this project from the website: https://temtum.com

And I’m Chill Andrew.

User name bitcointalk: chillandrew1511

Link my bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2575495



Andrew chill
Andrew chill

Written by Andrew chill

I try to keep runnin’ but it keeps on coming and it’s taking it a 10 years !!!

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